Month: June 2015

ginger tea with lemon and honey

ginger tea with lemon and honey for two

For the past few weeks, it has been bitterly cold here in Los Angeles, dipping to bone-chilling temperatures in the 60’s, and grey overcast skies lasting the entire day. We’ve even had to wear jackets! But thankfully, we have a comforting recipe for a hot cup of ginger tea infused with golden honey and freshly squeezed lemon that warms the soul and soothes the senses, whether you live in LA or somewhere with a more… aggressive climate.



classic hummus

classic hummus with vegetables

There is nothing that compares to homemade hummus, and this classic recipe is so simple you can make it in less than five minutes. Freshly squeezed lemon and raw garlic combine with the nuttiness of tahini and tender garbanzo beans to give this Middle Eastern spread a sharp, bold flavor that just cannot be found in store-bought hummus. It is extremely addicting and easy to prepare, but since it is so healthy you can enjoy this delicious vegetarian appetizer anytime.

