Month: August 2015

thai iced tea

pouring the cream

Thai iced tea is one of our favorite drinks. It is smooth, refreshing, and delicious. Recently, we set out on a mission to find the best recipe so we could make this exotic drink ourselves. Not only did we discover how to make the tea just as creamy and flavorful as the original, but we also learned some interesting things along the way. We were thrilled to find out how easy it is to make this at home. It cooks in just ten minutes, and most of the ingredients we already had on hand. Also, we were surprised to learn that the traditional orange color is nothing more than artificial dye. Thankfully, this additive is not necessary, and our simple version of this delicious beverage uses only fresh, natural ingredients. Here, robust black tea is steeped with cinnamon, sugar, vanilla, whole cloves, and star anise, then chilled, served over a tall glass of ice, and generously topped with a rich swirl of cream and sweet condensed milk.



key lime pie

a slice of key lime pie

It is quite possible that you are reading this from the beach. Maybe there’s a cool breeze blowing through your hair this very second, while you’re stretched out on a soft towel, listening to the calming sounds of seagulls and crashing waves in the distance. You might be at an airport, returning from a family vacation, or maybe you have just arrived home from a peaceful evening stroll around the neighborhood. Wherever you may be, we are all approaching the final weeks of summer, soaking up the sun, enjoying every last bit of it, and willfully denying that Fall is right around the corner. Well, we have the perfect solution for this, a classic dessert that will not only help ease this sensitive seasonal transition for everyone, but will also be a delicious exclamation point to the end of your summer!



burst tomato galette with corn and zucchini

burst tomato galette with corn and zucchini

We have made this burst tomato galette with corn and zucchini from Deb Perelman’s Smitten Kitchen site three times this month and have loved it every time. The first one was made using freshly-picked sungold tomatoes from our garden, and when this beautiful pastry emerged sizzling and fragrant from the oven and we tasted it, we knew it had to be featured on our blog as soon as possible. So we were happy to prepare it again, this time to take pictures. Well, the dish turned out perfectly, but a few of the photos weren’t quite up to our standards… so we made it again!



fusilli with heirloom tomatoes

fusilli with heirloom tomatoes

This is one of our favorite summer recipes for several reasons. First of all, it’s delicious. Secondly, it is incredibly easy to make: everything for the sauce is simply combined in a blender without ever being cooked. And what really makes this dish special is that these fresh, seasonal ingredients are only available for a few weeks, making it a rare treat that we look forward to all year long!



butterscotch caramel corn

gooey butterscotch caramel corn

Everyone knows how easy it is to make popcorn, but did you know that with just a few extra steps you can have homemade butterscotch caramel popcorn?! A delicious combination of caramelized brown sugar, butter, and vanilla is poured over your favorite popcorn, then baked to a crispy and chewy, salty and sweet golden perfection. Plus, it takes just five minutes to make the creamy butterscotch, so the only hard part is having to wait patiently while it cooks in the oven developing its satisfying crunch.

