strawberry rhubarb hand pies

I will not let today be one of those days. It is not even 8am and I’ve already broken a beautiful glass mug (a wedding present engraved with our initials), locked myself out of the house (forcing Ryan who is sick with the flu to jump out of bed while feverish and shivering to let me back inside), then accidentally set off the piercingly loud house alarm while going out to the garage to finish laundry. I refuse to let the day continue like this. I need to be a compassionate doctor, take care of my sick husband, and let him rest quietly without shattering glass and setting off deafening alarms! So let us pause for a moment while we take a deep breath together, and as we slowly exhale, we let go of our worries and stresses, allow them to all disappear, and conduct the day in a calmer and quieter direction.

Ahhh, much better.

