Month: June 2016

venetian peach

venetian peach

And just like that, the last day of June is here. Time flies when you’re testing and tasting summer cocktails every day—and that is exactly how we have been battling this overwhelming heat and unusual humidity here in Southern California. Every week this month we have been taking over the feedfeed’s snapchat and showing you how to make these delicious creations. If you missed any of the episodes, they are now all available on the feedfeed website for your viewing pleasure. You’ll get a private tour of our garden, see where our fruit trees are growing—including our Santa Rosa plum tree exploding with deep purple plums—plus we’ll take you behind the scenes where we shoot our photos for the blog, and you’ll even get to meet our sweet kitty, Sylvia. We’ve had a great time making these snapchat videos, and are super excited about this week’s episode, which we will be filming live this morning at 10am PST. For today’s show, The Husbands will be celebrating the summer arrival of one of our favorite fruits—the pretty and palatable peach—with a sparkling cocktail that is light, tangy, and refreshing to sip outdoors at this weekend’s Fourth of July parties… and on the fifth of July, and the sixth…



bourbon chocolate mint shake

bourbon chocolate mint shake

Once upon a time, long long ago, on New Years Eve in the small town of Calabasas, California, one of us Husbands had a liiittle too much to drink. And by “too much,” we mean polishing off a half a bottle of whiskey in just a few seconds. Adam was fifteen years old, and it was one of his first times drinking alcohol. After ringing in the New Year and watching Dick Clark’s annual celebration in Times Square on TV, his parents went to bed, while he and a friend began to raid their liquor cabinet. They started by pouring an entire bottle of whiskey into two large glasses filled with ice, plugging their noses, and chugging the contents as quickly as possible. While his friend disappeared to the restroom, he continued to consume more alcohol, gulping Kahlua straight from the bottle. As you can imagine, this unfortunate combination of liquids obviously didn’t agree with his skinny teenage body. Things got a little foggy after that, and the next thing he remembers is a man from the fire department asking him, “What did you drink, son?” “Whi-key,” he weakly mumbled, lacking the strength to pronounce the S. Apparently, he had been calling out to his mother, helplessly and hopelessly intoxicated, and she found him lying on the floor in the den—the details of which we will spare you since this is a cooking blog after all. Long story short, the paramedics determined that he would be okay and there was no need to take him to the hospital. Ever since that delightful day, “Whi-key” has not been a part of Adam’s life… until last December when he tried a double chocolate bourbon milkshake which changed everything.



island sunrise

island sunrise

Is everyone ready? Okay, cue the music. Lights. Camera. Aaand action! Good morning ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the second installment of the Husbands That Cook Summer Cocktail series starring your hosts, Adam and Ryan. Every Friday at 10am PST for the next few weeks, we will be taking over the feedfeed’s snapchat and showing you how to make some of our favorite summer drinks. On last week’s exciting episode we traveled to tropical paradise and made these refreshing blackberry vanilla tequila mojitos filled with fresh blackberries, cool mint leaves and smooth tequila. For today’s show, we have something very special planned: the Island Sunrise, a riff on a classic Caribbean cocktail called a Painkiller. So let’s pack our bags, bring some light clothing, and set a course for the islands, where abundant sunshine and palm trees await us.



blackberry vanilla tequila mojito

blackberry vanilla tequila mojito

Summer vacation. You are on a quiet beach under a cloudless sky, laying on a soft towel, the sun drying you off after a quick dip in the warm ocean water. Behind you is a rugged mountain, lush with tropical plants and towering trees bursting with life, bright neon green from the frequent rains. The only sounds are the gentle surf and native birds singing in the distance as you rest your eyes. Your trip has just begun and your only plans for the rest of the day are to relax on the sand and get ready for tonight’s sunset dinner. You take a deep breath, opening your eyes to find yourself sitting in a plastic lounge chair at your neighbor’s backyard barbecue party. No one is staring at you, and it appears as if just seconds have passed. What just happened? What is in this magical icy beverage you are holding in your hand, glowing a deep amethyst and infusing the air with fresh citrus and mint? How did it transport you to paradise and where can you find more of these? There are lots of unknowns in this world, but thankfully we have the answers to your curious questions.



authentic cacio e pepe

authentic cacio e pepe

Last week you traveled with us to the Caribbean. We gently swayed back and forth upon the warm Atlantic ocean on a private boat while watching a tropical sunrise and enjoying a delicious coconut mojito cake. We love visiting new places and it’s even better when you come with us! So pack your bags and bring an appetite because today we are going to Italy! And with three clicks of our heels, here we are on a romantic Summer evening in Rome. The temperatures have cooled and a soft breeze fills the air, scented with the aroma of sizzling garlic. You hear laughter and clinking glasses as you walk past an old restaurant from the 1600’s built entirely from stone, and out front an older man in a black suit with combed grey hair and a neighborly smile is playing an antique accordion that fills the streets with traditional music, while couples holding hands walk by with satisfied bellies and adventure in their eyes. The night is young, so let’s go exploring, find some delicious food, a bottle of red wine, and see if we can learn a few tricks in the kitchen.

