Month: July 2016

nutella cream pie with a pretzel crust

nutella cream pie with a pretzel crust

We have two big reasons to be excited today. The first involves this week’s travel plans, and the second one is pie. On Friday morning, we’ll be packing our bathing suits, sunscreen, and snorkeling gear and heading to the British Virgin Islands with Ryan’s family. In less than seventy-two hours, we will be sitting on a gently rocking boat, sipping topical painkillers, sampling fresh fruit and local Caribbean cuisine, and exploring beautiful coral reefs near white sand beaches. We’ll be taking a week off from posting recipes here on the blog, but would love for you to join us as we sail the high seas, so follow along on snapchat (@husbandscook) and Instagram to see fun highlights from the trip. But before we say bon voyage, we’d like to leave you with a smooth, creamy, chocolatey dessert that might just change the way you look at pies forever. Say ahoy to nutella cream pie with a pretzel crust.



fried zucchini sliders

fried zucchini sliders

At Thanksgiving, we gather around the table with close friends and family to acknowledge everything we have to be grateful for. And every year somebody mentions that it should become a daily tradition, but somehow it never happens, just like those impractical New Year’s resolutions that slowly fade in the first few weeks of January. The healthy diet goals and daily trips to the gym you envision for yourself in those cold, hopeful, wintry months have now become treating yourself to that extra slice of cake and sipping on bourbon chocolate milkshakes by the pool. But you know what? That’s okay! We are not meant to set up these impossibly strict constraints for ourselves, holding our souls prisoner and preventing us from enjoying the beautiful and sweet things that life has to offer. Balance is the secret, and to approach everything with moderation is key. Of course, there are certain times when this is more difficult than others—and some people handle it better than others. For those of you that have trouble with moderation, especially when it comes to fun and adorable mini-burgers, we have to warn you that reading this post will only tempt you and make you hungry because these fried zucchini sliders that we are sharing today from Jonathan Melendez’s new book The Slider Effect are incredibly delicious and dangerously addictive. Proceed with extreme caution.





There are literally hundreds of farmers markets in the greater Los Angeles area, but only four are active on Mondays—which was the day we planned to buy all the fresh fruit for this delicious summer dessert. There are forty-three on Thursdays and thirty-four on Wednesdays, but yes, only four set up shop on Mondays. Though our pickings were slim, we managed to find a small one just ten miles away called the Helen Albert Certified Farmers Market which carried everything we were seeking to complete our colorful creation. Sarah Phillips, the founder of Ugly Produce is Beautiful, recently asked if we’d like to contribute an article for her website, which is how the inspiration for this recipe began. Remember those ugly apple roses we made a few months ago, the ones that taste just like homemade apple pie? Those tasty treats were also a contribution for her site, and we are happy to be sharing another, since we support the simple message: Don’t be afraid to buy produce that doesn’t look “perfect”. A carrot may have an extra leg, or an apple may have a small blemish, but they taste exactly the same. They’re still usable and should be baked into a pie or blended into a smoothie instead of being wasted and thrown away. This vibrant dish is a perfect example of how you can take something ugly and turn it into something quite beautiful… and quite delicious!



zaru soba

dipping noodles in the sauce

Four years ago, we had the pleasure of visiting Japan for the first time. Adam’s band was performing at the Fuji Rock Festival, high in the mountains three hours north of Tokyo. After the last show, the rest of the group went home while the two of us ventured around the country for ten days, falling completely in love with the Japanese people and their inspiring culture. We took bullet trains to Tokyo, Kyoto, Nara, Miyajima, and Hiroshima, traveling across the countryside, spending a few days in each city, visiting pristine gardens and ancient Buddhist temples, while learning where to find the best vegetarian meals and how to properly ask for them. Throughout the day, we often found ourselves saying, “watashi wa bejitarian desu,” hoping they would understand that we were politely communicating, “I am vegetarian.” We snacked on inari (sweet tofu pockets filled with sushi rice), we lived off onigiri with umeboshi (white rice triangles wrapped in seaweed with a sour plum center), we found unique tiny restaurants on hidden side streets serving bowls of hot udon noodles, ramen, and miso soup, we tried a savory pancake called okonomiyaki, sampled multiple flavors of sweet mochi candies, and discovered a delicious noodle dish called zaru soba. This light and refreshing entree quickly became our go-to meal in Japan, and since it is served cold, it makes a perfect summertime dinner that is easy to prepare and fun to eat!

