Adam: It didn’t matter that Ryan had to get up at 4:30am yesterday. He was determined to test these cocktails with me late Sunday night after his choir rehearsal. Energized from making beautiful music with his friends and excited to spend this week filming a part in a new television show—which we will tell you more about once we are allowed to—he rolled up his sleeves and together we began testing after 10pm, even though he had to wake up in just a few hours. Thankfully, this drink didn’t take long to perfect, and after sampling a bit of this and a touch of that, we literally stumbled upon a secret ingredient that turned this delicious cocktail into one of the tastiest we have ever tried. Ryan was able to get to bed quickly while I finished the dishes, and because of his hardworking dedication, today we are able to present a hopping new beverage that will soothe your soul and alleviate your winter. Say hello to the white rabbit.

It was certainly strange taking photos without Ryan today. This is the first time we have ever done it separately, and although everything worked out, I missed having my husband there with me since we both bring so much to every step of this process. Thankfully we were able to taste-test the recipe together—which is the most important part—and he was able to sleep soundly that evening knowing our experiments were a sweet success.

You will never be late for a very important date again: this refreshing cocktail takes less than two minutes to make. Cold milk and half and half are mixed with brandy, a splash of hazelnut frangelico liqueur, vanilla extract, and a sprinkle of powdered sugar to sweeten things up. Everything is simply mixed in a shaker with ice, poured into a chilled glass, and that’s it. Dusting the top with cocoa powder makes a striking garnish and brings just a hint of chocolate aroma and flavor when you sip this white wonder. Quick to make, and super addicting, be sure to hide everyone’s car keys before mixing these drinks, because when you follow the white rabbit, you never know where you’ll end up…

White Rabbit
1/2 cup (4oz/118ml) milk
1/3 cup (2.6oz/79ml) half and half
2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons (19g) powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup (2oz/60ml) brandy
1 tablespoon (1/2oz/15ml) frangelico
pinch of cocoa powder for garnish
Combine all ingredients except cocoa in a cocktail shaker, fill with ice, then shake for 15 seconds and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Sprinkle with cocoa powder, serve, and enjoy!
4 Comments on white rabbit
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February 7, 2017 at 9:26 pmThis looks amazing. Love the powdered sugar and cocoa to boot!
February 12, 2017 at 6:34 pmThanks so much Cindy! The cocoa really adds a nice aroma when you take a sip! So good!