Month: May 2017

aurora spring + New York recap

aurora spring

This post was created in partnership with MacKenzie-Childs. All opinions are our own.

Two weeks ago, we visited upstate New York. Thirty minutes north of Ithaca rests a charming town called Aurora with a population of just five hundred people. Filled with picturesque gardens and cute colonial houses, we enjoyed walking around the village, admiring the vibrant tulips and pink blossoming cherry trees that lined the sidewalks. We were invited by MacKenzie-Childs to tour their headquarters, meet the staff, and get a behind-the-scenes look into how they make their handmade products. This was an easy decision for us since we were already fans of the company, and the east coast is beautiful this time of year.



blubarb muffins

blubarb muffins

This post was created in partnership with Kroger. All opinions are our own.

Somebody please send help. We may have just set a world record for the most muffins consumed in one week by two husbands. The problem first became apparent once we started canceling all our plans just to stay home and continue eating muffins all day. To be honest, we should have known what we were getting ourselves into before making that fateful phone call last Tuesday. We were in a muffin-kind-of-mood and called on the Queen of Baking for a recipe: we knew that Rebecca Firth ( would be the one to masterfully mentor our muffin manifestations, and upon regaining consciousness after the first bite, it was clear we had made the correct decision. So please continue reading at your own risk: blubarb muffins are extremely habit-forming and may cause a serious muffin dependency.



strawberry waffles with balsamic-roasted strawberries

strawberry waffles with balsamic-roasted strawberries

Exactly one year from now, we are throwing a big party. It’s going to be great! Everyone will be invited, and we hope you can come. This week we welcomed some new members to the family: two adorable haas avocado trees—which replaced the feeble kumquat tree that hadn’t grown a single inch in the two years since we planted it. If the weather cooperates, next Cinco de Mayo we’ll be blasting salsa music, sipping margaritas, and mixing guacamole on the front porch, celebrating the first harvest of one of our favorite fruits. Until then, we’ll keep wiping our tears each time we have to fork over five dollars to buy one avocado at the store. Thankfully, there are more inexpensive ways to commemorate spring, and strawberries are certainly a sprightly source of sweet stimulus. And this super-simple breakfast is here to provide just that! Three cheers to spring and strawberries—and to future avocados and outdoor fiestas!



sparkling dragon fruit margarita

sparkling dragon fruit margaritas

Even though there is an eight year difference between us, we have never noticed. Technically, it’s eight years and three months, but who’s counting? The only time it was an issue was when we first started dating: Ryan was nineteen and wasn’t allowed into some of the shows that Adam’s band was playing because he was still a minor. It’s funny to think that in the mid-eighties when Adam was in middle school, Ryan was just starting kindergarten. We both remember jelly bracelets and garbage pail kids, parachute pants, and the brightly colored neon fashion which illuminated that era. The vibrant color of this glowing cocktail we are sharing today reminds us of those days, and you won’t believe us when we tell you that the hue is all-natural and comes from a tropical fruit. This Cinco de Mayo we are going back… to the future!

