Month: June 2017

tiramisu pops

tiramisu pops

New Years Eve 2012 in Amsterdam was a night we’ll never forget. Ryan’s older brother David and his family were living there temporarily, and we were fortunate enough to visit a few times before they recently moved back to Oregon. On New Year’s Eve we were all invited by his coworkers to a progressive dinner party where we met new friends and celebrated in style: the first home offered light appetizers alongside cocktails and wine, while the second featured a feast of main courses for the thirty merry participants, and the final family was in charge of desserts, preparing multiple tables arranged with soft eclairs, crispy creme brûlées, and an impressive array of tasty european treats. But the main attraction began at midnight when the entire city simultaneously lit up the sky with a unforgettable display of fireworks: it was like the opening ceremony of the Olympics with jaw-dropping shows in every direction as far as the eye could see. From the top floor of the apartment, we had 360° views of Amsterdam, and it was the perfect place to ring in the new year. And today we have something sweet to ring in your summer, inspired by that very trip to the Netherlands: please put your hands together for tiramisu pops, and let the barbecues begin!



grilled cauliflower doner wraps

grilled cauliflower doner wraps

This post was created in partnership with Wild Garden. All opinions are our own.

First we grab the ladder from the garage. It only gets used once a year; always on the same day, and for the same reason every time. We prop it against the front of our house, then Ryan climbs onto the roof, reaching his arms down so Adam can hand him the treats we’ve picked out for this year’s annual spectacle.



peach melba pancakes

peach melba pancakes

Pancakes that make you cry: a true story. In the summer of 2001, Ryan’s 10-year-old cousin from Bilbao, Spain was visiting the United States with her family for the first time. She didn’t speak a word of english and was nervous for the trip—especially about the “weird” American food she had heard about—and worried she would starve during this two week vacation in Portland, Oregon. On the very first morning, as Ryan’s mom cooked pancakes for everyone, his cousin sat at the breakfast table white as a ghost. She had never seen or heard of a pancake before, and when a fluffy golden stack was set down before her, she immediately burst into tears. Once the initial shock wore off, she took a few brave bites, but had clearly decided that pancakes—and American food—were not for her. Thankfully, she became a bit more comfortable over the course of her stay and managed to escape starvation, so now she’s in her mid-twenties, happy, healthy… and still avoiding pancakes. Another true story is that the recipe we are sharing today had nearly the exact same effect on us—except they were tears of joy! If you love peach melba, prepare your palate for peach melba pancakes and let the peach party continue…



southern peach pudding

southern peach pudding

This post was created in partnership with Le Creuset. All opinions are our own.

The headlines these days can be… shall we say, a little dreary? Well today we are brightening things up and have some tasty news to share. About something sweet, something summery, something featuring fresh seasonal peaches and dollops of whipped cream. It’s a cloud in a cup, easy to make, and newsworthy-delicious!



cinnamon-sugar monkey bread

cinnamon-sugar monkey bread

Would you believe us if we told you there is a homemade bread you don’t have to knead, there are absolutely no thermometers involved, and the prep takes just five minutes? If we were to expand further, mentioning that this masterpiece exhibits a perfectly crispy, buttery crust, and the most pillow-soft, delicious chewy interior, you might think we were making this all up.

