Month: September 2017

pumpkin spice martini

pumpkin spice martini

Did you know that our cat Sylvia loves pumpkin? We’ve been feeding it to her as a treat since she was little, and now comes running into the kitchen every time we cook with it. If she consumed alcohol—she quit a few years back after starting a 12-step purr-ogram—she would adore this autumnal potation we are sharing today. It tastes like pumpkin pie in a glass—in fact, we use the exact same spice blend from our classic pumpkin pie recipe to make this deliciously-spiced cocktail, and the results were pumpkin perfect.



a weekend in Detroit

The Impossible Burger in all its glory

Burgers, bowling, and beers, oh my! We were invited by Impossible Foods to fly to Detroit to celebrate the launch of their plant-based Impossible Burger in the Midwest. We had been hearing wonderful things about these meatless patties and recently tried them at a local Umami Burger just a few weeks prior to receiving the invite. Our schedule was open, the two of us had never visited Detroit together, and we absolutely loved their product, so we delightedly accepted!



aurora spring catalog shoot

the aurora spring, served in the appropriate glassware

This post was created in partnership with MacKenzie-Childs. All opinions are our own.

Something exciting arrived in the mail today! A thick manilla envelope was peeking out from our mailbox, almost too large to fit inside. Earlier this week we received an email from the publicity team at MacKenzie-Childs, letting us know they would be sending copies of the September catalog which features us! Every day since then, we have been anxiously checking the mail, waiting for the magazine to appear, and today we were finally able to see it in person and hold it in our hands.



blistered shishitos with garlic and ginger

blistered shishitos with garlic and ginger

This Labor Day weekend we flew to Portland to visit Ryan’s family. His cousins David and Ana were in town all the way from Spain, so we kissed Sylvia goodbye and headed north to see them. Aside from the thick smoke caused by forest fires looming over the entire state of Oregon, we had a wonderful time: cooking meals together, jumping on trampolines with our nieces, meeting their guinea pigs Pepe and Nick, swimming in the pool—including a few rounds of Marco Polo, sampling fresh crispy churros con chocolate in a boutique shop near downtown, taking long walks through the lush Durham Park just steps away from the house where Ryan grew up, all the while practicing our Spanish with the relatives. One night for dinner, Ana prepared a pastel, a savory quiche-like dish with eggs, potatoes, and white asparagus, topped with a tangy red sauce made from roasted pimentos, raw garlic, and cream. We will definitely be posting about it here soon, but until then, this simple appetizer we are sharing today reminds us of when we visited them in Spain—hopping from bar to bar and sampling the few vegetarian tapas options we could find. Say hola to blistered shishito peppers with garlic and ginger.



blackberry peach cobbler with ginger-spice biscuits

blackberry peach cobbler with ginger-spice biscuits

You spoke and we listened! Four days ago we proposed a question on Instagram, asking for recipe requests for our weekly Friday Live show. This week marks our 23rd episode, and we thought it would be fun to see what our audience wanted to watch us make! Suggestions came in from literally around the world, and one idea in particular caught our attention. Over five thousand miles away, across the Atlantic Ocean in the city of Edinburgh, Scotland lives a friend of ours named Ryan-Andrew Brown. In addition to attending medical school and caring for patients in hospitals, somehow he also finds time to post original recipes on his beautifully-photographed cooking blog. When he proposed that we make something distinctly American—like a cobbler—we immediately knew what we had to do.

