Month: June 2018

polenta mini-pizzas with kale-jalapeño pesto, burst cherry tomatoes, and goat cheese

polenta mini-pizzas with kale-jalapeño pesto, burst cherry tomatoes, and goat cheese

This post was created in partnership with Health-Ade and The Feedfeed. All opinions are our own.

Tomorrow is the first day of summer, and we are diving right in. In less than 48 hours, we’ll be sailing on crystal clear waters 3500 miles from Los Angeles, sipping on dark and stormys, passion coladas, and soaking up Caribbean sunshine in the tropical British Virgin Islands. Ryan’s parents are experienced sailors, and every few years, they invite the family to explore the seas in a 45-foot catamaran that will be our floating home for the week. Stocked with a full kitchen complete with an oven and stove, the eight of us will be cruising in the water—with laughing gulls tagging along, waiting for our nieces Stella and Lucia, who will throw them a treat. With four bedrooms, four bathrooms, and a sound system which will have Bob Marley and Harry Belafonte on repeat, our crew will be adventuring around the neighboring islands that make up this picture-perfect region—sampling fresh local fruit, snorkeling in 80-degree waters teeming with coral reefs and rainbow-colored fish, and enjoying some much-needed relaxation after this past year and a half of writing the cookbook! But before we embark, we’d like to leave you with a brand new recipe and a refreshing drink to go with it.



lexington smash

lexington smash

Hi-ho, hi-ho it’s off to Kentucky we go! On Friday, we will be flying to Lexington for a special FEEDback Retreat that our friend Lauren has been organizing for the past several months. We started to tell you about it when we posted the recipe for our bourbon pecan pie upside-down cake, and if you haven’t made it yet, this is the perfect time, since today we are sharing a refreshing cocktail—also made with bourbon—that will accompany that cake like a bow and fiddle. We have been requested to make both recipes at the retreat, and next weekend is already starting to sound like a party. Between bourbon tastings at local distilleries and cooking together with our friends in a historic country estate, we are also lending a helping hand to raise awareness for hunger relief. On Saturday morning, we will be working at a school cafeteria to volunteer with the nonprofit Rise Against Hunger to package over 15,000 meals for people in need. The event runs on donations, and our group managed to raise over $4,000, so we’re grateful to everyone that participated to make this a reality. If you live in the Central Kentucky area and would like to join us, we would love to see you! You can register HERE—it’s super easy and takes just a few seconds, and if you’re not in the area, but would still like to donate, click HERE.



cookbook preview: spring tarts with asparagus, sun-dried tomatoes, and goat cheese

spring tarts with asparagus, sun-dried tomatoes, and goat cheese

Spring is here, and so is the Husbands That Cook cookbook! That feels so good say, as we have been waiting oh-so-long to tell you! For those of you just tuning in: our book will be released March 12, 2019 on St. Martin’s Press, and you can pre-order your copy today! The process was an intense eighteen months in the making, but your overwhelming response these past few days has made it all worth it. To celebrate, today we are sharing our first preview from the book, a little sneak peek of one of our favorite recipes in the Entertaining Chapter. It was difficult to choose which one to share first, but this is the height of asparagus season, and the perfect time to post a dish featuring this healthy and delicious spring vegetable. Please put your hands together and give a warm welcome to the first recipe from our new vegetarian cookbook, Spring Tarts with Asparagus, Sun-Dried Tomatoes, and Goat Cheese.

