Month: December 2020

impossible breakfast sliders

impossible breakfast sliders

This post was created in partnership with Impossible™ Foods. All opinions are our own.

Rise and shine! The sun is up and the weather is sweet. The Husbands are here with an easy breakfast treat. It’s a busy time of year with the holidays and such, so we thought we’d share a recipe that doesn’t need much. This post may feel like a poem or a song, but it’s not meant to be that, nor meant to be long. It’s just a simple recipe to start off your day, with a few tasty ingredients which we will soon convey. Impossible™ Breakfast Sliders are on the the menu this morning, and they are incredibly addicting—we must give you fair warning.



gingerbread whoopie pies with vanilla marshmallow cream

gingerbread whoopie pies with vanilla marshmallow cream

This post was created in partnership with Colavita. All opinions are our own.

Our living room is glowing. Yes, this holiday season is going to feel very different, but we are making the best of it: playing Christmas music on repeat and sipping bourbon cream as we hang colorful decorations around the house. And even though we’ve been a couple for almost two decades, this will be the first Christmas tree we’ve ever put up together. Normally in December we fly to Portland, Oregon to visit Ryan’s family, but since we won’t be traveling anytime soon, we wanted to re-create that welcoming, festive atmosphere here in our own home. So this year will have firsts for both of us: Ryan’s first Christmas away from his parents and brothers, and Adam’s first tree of his own, since he grew up celebrating Hanukkah, eating latkes and noodle kugel, and lighting the menorah instead. Well, right now the Husbands’ house is extra sparkly because this winter we are lighting up both. And since many families will be apart this season, we were inspired to create something special to try and make up for it. If we had to pick just one word to describe this heavenly treat, that word would be “cloud.” When you take one bite of this soft, cake-like cookie, you will understand exactly what we mean. Here to make everything merry and bright, would you please welcome this holiday hero, Gingerbread Whoopie Pies with Vanilla Marshmallow Cream.



butternut squash galette with gruyère and caramelized leeks

butternut squash galette with gruyère and caramelized leeks

This post was created in partnership with Colavita. All opinions are our own.

Our neighborhood is especially quiet today. We have the windows open and there’s a soft breeze blowing through the house. If you sit and listen, there are long stretches of silence with an occasional dog barking in the distance and dry leaves rustling in the wind. We feel lucky to live in a place where we can enjoy evening meals outdoors in December without getting too cold. Okay, so the jade plants on our patio may be shriveling from the lack of rain, but today we are feeling grateful for the sunshine. We started this blog five years ago because we love sharing with people. Whenever we come up with a new recipe that excites us, we can’t wait to write about it, and today we have something that we are thrilled to post—a golden galette made with lots of love and a little California sun. Pour yourself something refreshing, soak up the rays, and let us introduce you to this palatable pie!

