Break out the champagne—we have some exciting news to share with you! We just finished writing our very first cookbook—and it is now available for pre-order! Woo hoo! We know you have lots of questions—and believe us, we have so much to tell! First things first, let us show you how to get your hands on a copy, then we’ll sit down, celebrate, and toast with a glass of bubbly while we explain everything. A few quick things… the title of the book is Husbands That Cook: More Than 120 Irresistible Vegetarian Recipes And Tales From Our Tiny Kitchen, and it is being published by St. Martin’s Press. We did all the food photography ourselves, while the author photo on the cover was shot by our friend Emma K. Morris. The official release date is March 12, 2019, and you can pre-order your copy today at the link below.
Past Tour Dates
March 6, 2019
California Live (NBC live morning news show)
Los Angeles / San Diego / San Francisco
station website
March 9, 2019
Barnes & Noble at The Grove
Los Angeles, CA
facebook event page
store website
March 15, 2019
AM Northwest (live morning news show)
Portland, OR
station website
March 17, 2019
Powell’s Books
Portland, OR
facebook event page
store website
March 18, 2019
New Day NW (NBC live morning news show)
Seattle, WA
station website
March 19, 2019
Third Place Books Seward Park
Seattle, WA
facebook event page
store website
March 22, 2019
Napa Bookmine
Napa, CA
facebook event page
store website
March 23, 2019
Omnivore Books
San Francisco, CA
store website
March 30 & 31, 2019
Eagle Rock Community Garden Plant Sale
Eagle Rock, CA
garden website
April 3, 2019
Melissa’s Produce
Los Angeles, CA
Live Cooking Demo
Melissa’s website
April 11, 2019
Feedfeed Live Cooking Demo
New York, NY
feedfeed website
April 13, 2019
MacKenzie-Childs Store, SoHo
New York, NY
store website
May 19, 2019
West Elm Pasadena
Pasadena, CA
store website
May 25, 2019
Pacific Food & Beverage Museum
San Pedro, CA
Live Cooking Demo
museum website
June 1, 2019
Folded Hills Winery Tasting Room
Montecito, CA
Book Signing
June 15, 2019
Williams Sonoma
Beverly Hills, CA
store website
June 26, 2019
Afternoon Live (KATU live news show)
Portland, OR
station website
June 27, 2019
Book Larder
Seattle, WA
Live Cooking Demo
store website
July 19-21, 2019
Gay Wine Weekend
Sonoma, CA
event website
July 20, 2019
Williams Sonoma
Sonoma, CA
Live Cooking Demo
store website
July 27, 2019
OC Fair
Costa Mesa, CA
Live Cooking Demo
Main Stage – Culinary Arts OC Promenade Building
fair website
October 5, 2019
Cocktail Demo
Pacific Food & Beverage Museum
museum website
You may have been wondering why the blog has been quieter than usual these past few months. While we haven’t been posting as many recipes on our site, behind the scenes we have been cooking up a storm. Every day, we have been secretly waking up at the crack of dawn, working in the kitchen until the wee hours of the night on delicious new creations to share with all of you. So how did this come about? Well, during the summer of 2016, we were nominated for Best How-To at the Saveur Blog Awards, and were approached by a literary agent—Leigh Eisenman—asking if we had ever considered writing a cookbook. We jumped at the opportunity, wrote a proposal in less than a week, then met with several publishers while we were in New York for the awards ceremony. After an enthusiastic meeting with St. Martin’s Press, we signed a deal, and began working on the biggest project of our lives.
The next eighteen months were a whirlwind. We rarely left the house, except for daily trips to the grocery store, we spent every daylight hour shooting photos for the book, our refrigerator (which broke halfway through the process, but that’s another story) was constantly overflowing with food, and there were many nights of cancelled plans due to the now-familiar, “Sorry we can’t get together tonight… we’re still working on the book.” Thankfully, all those endless nights, early mornings, and countless trips to the grocery store were all worth it, and today we are beyond excited to finally share our book with the world.

photo credit: Emma K. Morris
There are more than 130 brand-new, unreleased recipes in this all-purpose cookbook, influenced by our travels around the world and over seventeen years together as a couple. We have included everything from entrees, breakfasts, soups, salads, sides, drinks, entertaining ideas, condiments, and desserts, plus tasty and healthy vegan and gluten-free options that anyone can enjoy. From the Coconut Curry with Chickpeas and Cauliflower inspired by our first date at a shopping mall food court, to the Communication Breakdown Carrot Cake—one of our biggest kitchen disasters—many recipes are a behind-the-scenes glimpse into our relationship, accompanied by colorful photos and helpful cooking tips to make sure your dishes turn out flawlessly every time. It is the perfect gift for your friends and loved ones: from the beginning cook to an experienced chef, for vegetarians and those who are simply looking to cut down on meat in their daily diet, there are recipes here for everyone. And with a new book comes a new hashtag, so be sure to use #husbandsthatcookbook so we can see all your creations! We hope you enjoy cooking (and eating) from our book as much as we did while making it! Cheers to new recipes, new cookbooks, and to more fun in the kitchen! xoxo Adam and Ryan

photo credit: Ivan Solis