Hi-ho, hi-ho it’s off to Kentucky we go! On Friday, we will be flying to Lexington for a special FEEDback Retreat that our friend Lauren has been organizing for the past several months. We started to tell you about it when we posted the recipe for our bourbon pecan pie upside-down cake, and if you haven’t made it yet, this is the perfect time, since today we are sharing a refreshing cocktail—also made with bourbon—that will accompany that cake like a bow and fiddle. We have been requested to make both recipes at the retreat, and next weekend is already starting to sound like a party. Between bourbon tastings at local distilleries and cooking together with our friends in a historic country estate, we are also lending a helping hand to raise awareness for hunger relief. On Saturday morning, we will be working at a school cafeteria to volunteer with the nonprofit Rise Against Hunger to package over 15,000 meals for people in need. The event runs on donations, and our group managed to raise over $4,000, so we’re grateful to everyone that participated to make this a reality. If you live in the Central Kentucky area and would like to join us, we would love to see you! You can register HERE—it’s super easy and takes just a few seconds, and if you’re not in the area, but would still like to donate, click HERE.