Last night, Ryan was supposed to appear on television. When we are not cooking in the kitchen, he frequently goes out to audition for tv shows and commercials, and recently he booked a role on the new comedy Powerless on NBC. We alerted our friends and family to let them know the episode was airing, heated up some food from a photo shoot, got cozy on the couch, and waited the big moment. But by the end of the first scene, he realized it wasn’t the right episode, even though all the online tv listings said it was. We’ll figure out when it’s going to air, and let you know when you can see it. Over the years, he has played everything from a demon slave on Angel to a homeless thief on CSI who gets caught breaking into a stranger’s home and raiding their refrigerator. Hopefully, his sporadic audition schedule fits around our new weekly show on Instagram. Every Friday at 12pm PST, we have been going live from our kitchen and making a new recipe. Today is the fourth episode of Friday Live With Husbands That Cook, so please join us as we make this delicious treat: crispy smashed potatoes with herbed yogurt.